Friday, February 29, 2008

Chickering and Gamson

How does Google Docs support one or more of Chickering & Gamson 7 principles?

You may use the following link to view Chickering and Gamson's "7 Principles for Good Practice in Undergraduate Education".

Homework #3

Due Friday, March 14.

Part 1:
Post an overview of how you are planning to incorporate Google Docs into one of your instructional lessons or units? Visit each other's blogs to gain new ideas and/or make comments about your colleague's ideas.

Part 2:
Record and post a podcast about the following topic- "First Impressions of Google Docs".
  • Strenghts and weaknessis of Google Docs vs Microsoft Office
  • Why would you choose to Google Docs in instruction?

Part 3:
Check your gmail account for an email from Sarah Cheverton asking you to complete the weekly evaluation.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Homework Assignment #2

Due Friday, February 29.

Part 1:
Go to and review the posts. OR, if you have added a feed from the JMU Scholars blog to your iGoogle, follow a link to a specific post. Then, on your own blog, post a reflection of at least one of the Scholars' posts. In your post (on your blog), include a link to the post on the Scholars blog.

Part 2:
Record 2 recordings on your iPod. One should be your reflection for the day and the second topic is up to you. We will post them to your blog later.

Part 3:
Check your gmail account for an email from Sarah Cheverton asking you to complete the weekly evaluation.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Homework #1

Homework #1

Part 1: Due Friday 2/15
If you did not complete the evaluation this morning, please go to your Gmail account and open the message from (or Sarah Cheverton). The evaluation should be in the email message. Complete the evaluation and submit it. Thank you!

Part 2: Due Tuesday 2/19
Post a reflection of the experience today on your Google blog. Post by next Tuesday so that others will have time to read and comment (your group partner will post a "meaty" comment). Consider the following questions: What is the most interesting/exciting thing you learned during this session? What do you want to understand more thoroughly? What possibilities come to mind when you think about these tools?

Share your blog address by emailing everyone in the group using Gmail. You can either:

Option A:
--Open the email you received from
--Select "Show Details" so you can see everyone's email address.
--Use copy and paste to add those to your Contacts.
--Create a group and add the contacts to your group.
--Send an email to the group.
--You can create a group in Gmail

Option B:
--Open the email you received from
--Use reply all to send your blog URL

Part 3: Due Friday 2/22 by 9:00 a.m.
Read and provide at least a brief comment on every participant's blog. Provide a "meaty" comment on your group partner's blog.


Thursday, February 14, 2008

Introduction to CIT Sandbox Blog

Google Tools includes more than 30 free online tools that enable users to gather, share and create content in a variety of ways and with various configurations of users. Users can create blogs, view an aggregation of blog postings, work collaboratively on text documents, generate spreadsheets, produce visual presentations and much more.

Visit this CIT Sandbox Blog regularly for updates and information including homework assignments, announcements and more. Feel free to comment on the posts.

CIT Sandbox Facilitators

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Hello World

Here is a sample post.